I have not done any lo's since the 21st lo's, I must start on the old family one soon to start a family tree lo's. Last week I started to make my Christmas cards and I have to makeover another notebook cover for Jolene, this will be number 10.
Lisa got mugged in Dublin last Thursday at 6.30 in the evening when she was going to see Jolene, she took everything out of her bag before she left he got away with keys,bank card, and about 5euco and 3 cigarette, she said they could have one each. The bone in her finger was fractured when the bag was grabed.
When to the movies last week and saw The Devil Wears Prada, it was enjoyable, the fashion was beautiful. The week before I saw The World Trade Center very good movie, was almost crying if I was at home watching it I would have.
Saturday week the Knitting and Stitching Show is on in Dublin and I can go to M&S for new clothers ,looking forward to that.