Last Sunday Kerry beat Mayo in the All-Ireland 4-15 to 4-5. It was a good won didn't see it as I was in bed for work that night, saw bits of the repeart that night. On Sunday night Midnite Cafe were playing, brilliant band can't wait for their new ablum to come out.
O n Monday morning I was told that it was the last day for minding the 3 kids that I looked after, I only had them for 8 months. Miss them around the place.
I got the last 2 lo's of Michelle's ablum done and 1 of Lisa's lo done just 1 to go now.
Last Tuesday Christmas came early instead of santa the postman called with my 5 kits from Paper Posies. Love, Love , Love this kit. I got the September, August, July, June and the January kits, I would have got more but the rest are sold out. I joined the club in August and cut down my kit from Club Scrap. I will get 2 kits together every two months.
Last week I got the September kit from Bumbleberry, it was lovely. Looking forward to next month one.